How to change the Report date range on the fly?

How to change the Report date range on the fly?

As the Report date range could be narrow or wide, sometimes it is useful to change the Report date range on the fly. No matter if the Report has been configured to take the fixed or dynamic date range. AutoROICalc Report now allows taking a more detailed view of the chart events arousing some curiosity.

Change the date range

Sample AutoROICalc chart
Sample AutoROICalc chart

In the AutoROICalc Report Chart view, find the first left item at the bottom of the chart, titled “Change Report Date Range”. Additional controls will appear.

Sample AutoROICalc chart with adjusted date range
Sample AutoROICalc chart with adjusted date range

Now it is up to you to play with the “left” and “right” slides in order to fit the date range to the desired state.

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Wonder that this feature, like others, works in the shared Report view? The reporting has never been easier 🙂

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