Getting Started

This section should guide you on how to get started using the Service effectively. Assuming you went through the Basic Concepts and Best Practices section, you should have an idea of what data to gather and report. For getting started purposes we have picked a simple e-commerce model as an example. We believe this model could be so common and easy to understand.


For the demonstration, these are the items that are contributing to our e-commerce business model success:

  • Number of customer orders.
  • Orders revenue.
  • Orders profit.
  • Advertising costs.


As we are in the “internet” zone, it should be easy to set up the data gathering automatically using the AutoROICalc API. But for our getting started purposes and also for better understanding, we are going to handle this manually:

  • Please pick some getting started time period. For example, starting a couple of days ago to today.
  • Go to Add a Record Manually section and per each day of your time period that you have selected in the previous step, add the Number of customer orders, Orders revenue, Orders profit, and Advertising costs.
    • Let the Record type is the item name: Number of customer orders, etc.
    • The Record source per item could be for example: Google Ads.

This is a sample input per Number of customer orders:

Sample AutoROICalc Record input
Sample AutoROICalc Record input

Creating a new Report

Once you are done with adding the Records, we can move forward to Create a New Report:

  • You can leave the selected reporting period type to “All time” and default time base to “Day”.
  • Give your report a name.
  • Create the Report items as follows:
    • Per each Report items pick a Record type: Number of customer orders, Orders revenue, Orders profit, and Advertising costs.
    • Per each Record type either select Google Ads or AutoRoiCalcAllSources.
    • Please note that you can pick the color of the source by clicking on the selected Record source. Then the color is drawn properly in the Report chart.

The configuration of the Report then should look like this:

Sample AutoROICalc Report input
Sample AutoROICalc Report input

Don’t forget to save your Report by clicking on the “Save the Report” button that is located under the Report preview.

Viewing, Editing the Report

You can simply find your Reports under the List the Reports section. The listed reports are shown in a data table. Each table row has its Action button. These actions are available after clicking on the Action button:

  • View. Opens the Report view.
  • Edit. Opens the Report for editing.
  • Delete. Deletes the selected Report.

What next?

Next, you can for example play with various Record types and sources combination. There is always the Report preview that lets you can see what you get. Then we recommend starting thinking about how to set up the AutoROICalc Service for your real use case. You can refer to the Documentation or contact the support in case you need any help.

Explore the Records-related tutorials:

Explore the Reports-related tutorials

Explore the Dashboards-related tutorials