
1.14.0 (2024-05-12)

  • Added option to register/login via Google and/or Facebook
  • Added option to set icon & color per particular Record source
  • Added Report “Conversion Paths” view
  • Added Home screen Account summarization
  • Added dialogs before item deletion
  • Added Facebook Ads Manager integration “Re-Authorize” button
  • Updated Report view – particular report parts are now under accordion with an option to expand/collapse
  • Updated Report automation date range shift/extension – now we are able to detect and shift/extend the “whole year” date range
  • Fixed Report removed from Home screen after Report update
  • Fixed Report automation flow. Some data ranges were not evaluated correctly

1.13.0 (2023-12-20)

  • Added Reports and Dashboards option to store & display description
  • Added option to refresh a Report
  • Added options to see if the Report is shared in the data table list
  • Added option to share a Report to another User Account
  • Added option to sort the data tables
  • Added option to update the order of Report items
  • Added Report view sources distribution
  • Added custom homepage for logged in users & ability to pin Reports to “Home”
  • Fixed the Reports sorting within a Dashboard
  • Fixed copy to clipboard buttons
  • Fixed hourly Report update by Reports Automation

1.12.0 (2023-08-26)

  • Added custom web events tracking feature (end-point that collects the web event)
  • Added JavaScript module for custom web events tracking
  • Added NPM Package wrapper for the JavaScript custom web events tracking module
  • Added refresh button to the Records, Reports & Dashboards data tables view
  • Added option to Clone the Record, Report, or Dashboard
  • Updated PDF template settings for Report PDF Export
  • Updated Google Analytics integration to be compatible with GA4 properties
  • Updated Report view with date range slider

1.11.0 (2023-06-24)

  • Added Report data table sum row
  • Updated Report & Dashboard configuration UI to be more user friendly
  • Updated color picker layout
  • Updated/improved security-related issues
  • Fixed the Report preview after live-changing the Report configuration
  • Fixed batch import from CSV/XML limit

1.10.0 (2023-01-29)

  • Added common Records, Reports, Dashboards fixed menu
  • Added Records, Reports, Dashboards list filtering
  • Added Records, Reports, Dashboards multi-selection, and batch actions
  • Added option to show/hide Records List data table columns
  • Updated/improved backup of the User´s databases
  • Updated UI theme
  • Removed highlight Report Chart Item when hovering on the item in the chart legend
  • Removed export Records to CSV and XML pages. Featured moved into the List Records view.

1.9.0 (2022-12-17)

  • Added option to calculate and show Report items’ trend lines
  • Added option to calculate and show Report items’ forecast using the Moving Average method
  • Added Report Automation features
  • Added API to Get the Report Data
  • Added option to highlight Report Chart Item when hovering on the item in the chart legend
  • Added feature to customize Report PDF Template
  • Added option to adjust the time frame of the Report
  • Added option to hide Report Data Table
  • Fixed Add Single Record date input to use the correct date
  • Fixed Report create Public sharing link dialog cancel procedure
  • Fixed Records, Reports & Dashboards list table items per page when initialized

1.8.0 (2022-06-25)

  • Added export report to PDF feature with a basic template.
  • Added Reports Sharing feature.
  • Added e-mail notification before Facebook Integration token expiration.
  • Moved account information content to under Account Information page.
  • Added option to save report chart image.
  • Added option to save report data to CSV.
  • Updated back-end services improving overall performance.

1.7.0 (2022-02-20)

  • Added User Account Settings page. It is now possible to put own SMTP settings to achieve better “image” & deliverability of scheduled Dashboards across the team or company.
  • Added AutoROICalc API information to Integrations Page
  • Added AutoROICalc Records PUT, DELETE methods
  • Updated User Interfaces to be more friendly: View Report, View Dashboard, List Reports, List Dashboards, List Records, Create/Update Report, Create Dashboard, Account Information, Google Ads Manager Integration, Google Analytics Integration.

1.6.1 (2021-10-17)

  • Added AVG (Average), CUM (Cumulative) description in Report Items
  • Added option to set custom Report Item title
  • Added option to hide the Report Item source. (Applicable & Useful if custom Report Item title is set).
  • Added notification upon Report Enrich Items change
  • Updated Facebook API to v12
  • Fixed AVG, CUM Report Items icons display
  • Fixed nan in case of Cost per Conversion calculation

1.6.0 (2021-09-29)

  • Added Report Item option to set the calculation Average or Cumulative.
  • Added Report Data Enrichment options. Added ROI, Add, Subtract, Cost per Conversion data enrichment operations.
  • Updated Create a New Report section. Creating a new Report is now more descriptive.
  • Updated Integrations section.

1.5.0 (2021-08-08)

  • Added option to export the AutoROICalc Records to CSV
  • Added option to export the AutoROICalc Records to XML

1.4.0 (2021-07-28)

  • Added option to import the AutoROICalc Records from CSV
  • Added option to import the AutoROICalc Records from XML

1.3.0 (2021-05-16)

  • Added Google Analytics integration with analytics.readonly scope
  • Added Google Analytics automated scheduled data imports

1.2.0 (2021-04-24)

  • Added Facebook Ads Manager Integration with ads_read scope
  • Added Facebook Ads Manager automated scheduled data imports

1.1.2 (2021-04-10)

  • Added /api/auto-roi-calc/v1/add-records Record source item Array verification
  • Removed /api/auto-roi-calc/v1/add-records redundant response data

1.1.1 (2021-03-18)

  • Fixed e-mail reporting stuff when retrieving the User data
  • Fixed option to set custom record source color in case of creating/editing the Report
  • Fixed UI controls in case of creating/editing the Report
  • Fixed UI controls in case of adding multiple Records manually
  • Updated the Record structure validation in back-end
  • Updated User Account limits according to Service Plans

1.1.0 (2021-03-04)

  • Added multi-level User Account database backups
  • Added hosted end-point for email reporting chart images
  • Added data confirmation after adding a new Record via API
  • Added current Service version display on the page footer
  • Changed and updated appearance including UI components
  • Updated Service Plan descriptions
  • UI Performance improvements

1.0.0 (2020-08-07)

  • Initial, experimental production release