Where to find your GA4 Property ID?

Where to find your GA4 Property ID?

Since the AutoROICalc Google Analytics Integration has been updated, we no longer list the Google Analytics Accounts of the User. Now we only require the Google Analytics 4 Property ID.

Where is it?

  1. Open the https://analytics.google.com/ page and pick the desired analytics account.
  2. On the left bottom, click on the “Admin” icon.
  3. In the “Property” column, click on “Property Settings”.
  4. Look for the “PROPERTY ID” entry – this is your GA4 Property ID.

Let´s see:

On the left bottom, click on the "Admin" icon.
On the left bottom, click on the “Admin” icon.
In the "Property" column, click on "Property Settings".
In the “Property” column, click on “Property Settings”.
Look for the "PROPERTY ID" entry - this is your GA4 Property ID.
Look for the “PROPERTY ID” entry – this is your GA4 Property ID.

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