How to make a good presentation? Grab the chart image, use data in CSV, or utilize PDF

How to make a good presentation? Grab the chart image, use data in CSV, or utilize PDF

The AutoROICalc Reporting is intended to be used in “real-time” for effective decision-making. But there may be a situation to summarize a certain reported period. Some kind of presentation is useful in this case.

“Fast” export to PDF

In a hurry and need “something” cool on the paper? The Export Report to PDF could help. Currently, a basic template is available, but the User custom branding and fine adjustments are on the roadmap.

Get the Report chart image as a PNG and the Report Data in CSV

We care a lot about making good presentations. Therefore our task is to make it as easy as possible for you to put your Report data into the presentation. AutoROICalc Reports now allow to download of the chart image as PNG and the data as CSV. The buttons in order to do so are located on the bottom right under the Report Chart image.

We believe users will find these features helpful, allowing them to process the Report data further on their own.

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