Still in the early development stage, but enjoy!

Still in the early development stage, but enjoy!

The initial experimental production release was launched on the 7th of July 2020. As time passes, there are changes exchanging with new ideas. But the concept remains the same. We may consider that the experimental production stage is successfully gone. This stage was useful to improve for example the User Interface, the Dashboards e-mail reporting workflow, and much more.

Big thanks to the volunteers

Only a few volunteers have participated in the initial experimental production stage. Big thanks to them and their feedback! Now we are still in the early development stage because many features haven´t been implemented yet. You can take a look at the Basic Concepts and if you can already feel that this could fulfill your requirements or desires, don´t hesitate to create a free User Account to enjoy.

Your feedback is always welcomed

In case you have decided to move on with the free User Account, your valuable feedback is always welcomed. We believe we can make AutoROICalc the best choice for many users out there together. Wish you happy reporting!

CareFree Data Collection, Enrichment and Reporting

With a strong focus on simplicity and automation!

  • Record and Report Crucial Business Activities.
  • From Operations to Strategies.
  • Any Business Model.
  • Open for Automation.
  • Business Intelligence Made Easy
  • Comfy Sharing & E-mail Reporting.
  • Set Once, Enjoy Forever!

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Explore the Reports-related tutorials

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