Web Traffic Sources Distribution Made Easy

Web Traffic Sources Distribution Made Easy

It’s always good to know the amount of web traffic you get for a certain time frame. Is it also that important to know where the traffic comes from? Definitely! Why? It is so powerful for many reasons but mainly to know if a particular campaign is successful, whether some of the web traffic sources are a waste of time, or if there’s more space for improvement for the top ones.

To have the whole is great. To know what it is made of is – WONDERFUL!

Having success makes us happy. But still, it is much better to know what the cause is. You can set up as many detailed reports as you wish. But to stay healthy – sometimes it is a better idea to have a few meaningful reports with the “wholes” and use an option to see the sources (causes) distribution. See a shiny example below.

AutoROICalc Report items sources distribution example
This example shows the source distribution of a sample traffic of a sample report.

How to do the magic?

We believe it should be simple! Just look for the “Show Sources Distribution” button in your Report view:

Report records sources distribution example
An elegant way how to compile and view your report Sources Distribution is a part of each of your Reports.

Need help with setting up your new ROI journey?

If you are not sure where or how to start, we are always here for you. Just reach us at support@autoroicalc.com.

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