New integration ready! Automate Facebook Ads Manager Insights

New integration ready! Automate Facebook Ads Manager Insights

As we know, the Facebook Ads Manager is a starting point for running ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience Network of Facebook. With AutoROICalc, it is now possible to get and report the performance of the ads automatically based on a daily schedule.

Effective Facebook Campaigns reporting

Since the Facebook Ads Manager is an all-in-one tool for creating, running, further managing, and tracking the ads, there may be only a few key metrics that are crucial for your business model. Of course, you are primarily interested in costs and acquired actions caused by the ads. Therefore, it can become annoying to open and do all the boring clicking stuff within the Ads Manager in order to get these primary stats for a certain time period.

Why not utilize the AutoROICalc to do all the “painful” stuff for you? The result is a daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly based Facebook Ads Manager report where you clearly see what´s going on. Meant in terms that you can immediately see if the Facebook Ads are performing well or not.

How it works?

The process is simple:

  • You grant the AutoROICalc access to “read” your Facebook Ads Manager account.
  • Then it is possible to do a one-time manual import where a certain time period can be selected or set the scheduled insights importing on a daily basis.
  • In the next step, it´s important to select the fields to be imported as for example: spend, click, impressions, etc.
  • As there are no limitations on how to arrange your AutoROICalc Records, there are options to set custom Record Sources and Types. See the AutoROICalc Records section.
  • Finally, include the imported Records in your Reports and Dashboards.
Automate Facebook Ads Manager Insights - illustration purposes image
Automate Facebook Ads Manager Insights – illustration purposes image

What is this good for and how it can help you even more?

We suppose you have included also other ad platforms in your online marketing strategy as for example the Google Ads. Assuming you are comparing the performance of the ads between different advertising platforms, do you think it is a good idea to have it clearly all in one place? Isn´t what you are looking for? That one effective online marketing dashboard where clicks, conversions, and other similar metrics are only an accompanying phenomenon comparing to costs, profits, and ROI therefore.

That´s not all, of course. Again, there are no limitations across the AutoROICalc Record Types and Sources. You can also involve another crucial business activities to have a complex view with the Facebook Ads Manager included.

Flexible Tracking &
Reporting Software

Easy to use with a strong focus on automation!

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  • Manual or Automated Data Management
  • Easy Import and Export
  • Always Accessible and Under Control

Custom Analytics with Automated Reporting

  • Business Intelligence Made Easy
  • From Operations to Strategies
  • Easy Data Enrichment

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Explore the Records-related tutorials:

Explore the Reports-related tutorials

Explore the Dashboards-related tutorials