
Explore the pricing plans. No credit card is required. Enjoy Premium features in the 30-day free trial.


Powerful setup for freelancers in mind

0 €

per user per 30 days

  • Maximum Records count: 10000
  • Maximum Reports count: 3
  • Maximum Dashboards count: 1
  • Maximum automated Dashboards email receivers count: 1
  • Automated Dashboards email reporting
  • CSV Import/Export
  • XML Import/Export
  • AutoROICalc API
  • Facebook Ads Manager Integration
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Google Search Console Integration
  • Report items data enrichment & forecasting


For small teams in a larger scale


per user per 30 days

  • Maximum Records count: 100000
  • Maximum Reports count: 10
  • Maximum Dashboards count: 3
  • Maximum automated Dashboards email receivers count: 3
  • Everything in Free +
  • Customized Reports PDF templating
  • Shareable Reports via public URL
  • Share Report with another User


Everything needed to keep growing


per user per 30 days

  • Maximum Records count: 1000000
  • Maximum Reports count: 100
  • Maximum Dashboards count: 100
  • Maximum automated Dashboards email receivers count: 10
  • Everything in Starter +
  • Reports Automation

CareFree Data Collection, Enrichment and Reporting

  • Record and Report Crucial Business Activities.
  • From Operations to Strategies.
  • Any Business Model.
  • Open for Automation.
  • Business Intelligence Made Easy
  • Comfy Sharing & E-mail Reporting.
  • Set Once, Enjoy Forever!